Nubian Life
Nubian Life provides Adult Day Care Services for Older (65 years +) African and African Caribbean residents across the borough. It has dedicated itself to creating positive experiences and outcomes for service users and staff, and established itself as a specialist provider in the adult social care sector by becoming expert in meeting the individual needs of clients with health issues such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes and physical and visual impairment.
0208 749 8017
Website Association
Offers a range of welfare, education and advice services for the Iranian community in London. This includes a supplementary school teaching Maths, English, IT, arts and Farsi. The centre also offers language skills, immigration advice, referral to solicitors and welfare benefits advice.
0208 741 2304
0208 748 6682
Website European Advice Centre
The East European Advice Centre (EEAC) aims to help socially and economically disadvantaged people of East European origin in their efforts to settle in the UK. We are a UK charity offering FREE front-line advice and support, including drop-in sessions.
020 8741 1288
Website Cultural Centre
The Irish Cultural Centre has been established since 1995 and is acclaimed for providing one of the most exciting and adventurous weekly programmes in the UK, featuring Ireland’s best traditional and contemporary musicians, an Irish film programme, Irish literary events, Theatre and art exhibitions and more.
0208 5638232
Website Day Centre
Southall day centre is for older people and those with disabilities. The centre offers a range of social and recreational activities including light exercises, singing, bingo, card games, a reading room, day trips and lunches (including Asian meals). The service is open to all but focuses in the main on supporting people from Black Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. All major Asian languages are spoken.
0300 456 2099
Website Support Group
The Barwaga Relief Organisation supports Somali families, children and young people; improve academic achievement for children; develop Somali women groups; provide training and advice for the unemployed and give general advice on domestic violence, homelessness and other social problems.
020 8280 2284
Barwaqa Relief OrganizationWilliam Hobbayne Centre
This centre provides facilities to the community in varying forms. It enable people to meet, help each other, strengthen the community and learn new skills in groups of all sizes.
020 8810 0277
Website Irish Centre
This provide information, welfare & support for Irish people in London and promotes Irish arts & culture.
020 7428 2097
020 7916 2222
www.londonirishcentre.orgPeople First – Day Centre Resource List
Day centres are friendly, welcoming places offering a variety of leisure, educational, and health and well-being activities. Different day centres are available for older people, and people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or mental health problems. Day centres are usually for people who need quite a lot of support whilst they are there, with trained staff being on site to offer this support as required.
They provide great opportunities to do something social or just sit and read the paper quietly with a cup of coffee. You may be retired and looking for social and stimulating things to do, or perhaps have mobility or other health problems and would like to get out and about and mix with others, or maybe just have lunch.
Community centres and groups
Page published: 30 August 2024
Last updated: 30 August 2024