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General advice services

  • Citizen Advice

    Citizen Advice Hammersmith and Fulham is an independent charity that provides information, education and advice services to help people resolve problems. CAHF is part of a national network of over 300 individual charities that deliver advice across England & Wales overseen by a national framework provided by Citizens Advice.

    0300 330 1162


  • The Centre for Armenian Information & Advice (CAIA)

    The Centre for Armenian Information and Advice supports Armenian elders and carers with benefits, housing and immigration advice. Access to the service is by appointment only (Monday to Friday).

    020 8992 4621


  • Heating and ‘Healthy Homes’

    Staying warm and cosy in cold weather is important, but rising energy bills mean that the cost of heating the home can sometimes be a worry. For older people, people on low incomes or in receipt of certain benefits, there are ways to get help with the cost of heating, particularly in the winter months when it’s needed most. This site explains what is available.


  • Self care Forum

    The Self Care Forum aims to further the reach of self care and embed it into everyday life. Self Care is the actions that individuals take for themselves, on behalf of and with others in order to develop, protect, maintain and improve their health, wellbeing or wellness. Their website also has top tips for GP practices to help promote self-care.

    0207 421 9318



  • Directory of Self-Help Resources – People First

    We can never predict what is round the next corner or guarantee that we will remain completely healthy, but we can do a lot to reduce the risks of becoming unwell, and to give ourselves the best possible chance of living a healthy, active, happy life.
    In this site you can learn more about how to take care of your health, manage your medications, eat well and stay healthy.


Page published: 30 August 2024
Last updated: 2 September 2024