Category Archives: Ticker Tape

Wellbeing Programme

mindsports A3 poster

Wellbeing Programme

London MINDSPORTS Centre
21 Dalling Road, Hammersmith W6 0JD
(Near Ravenscourt Park Tube, Buses: 190, 218, 306)

Discover a new kind of community centre in
Hammersmith & Fulham for residents
LBHF Active Minds and West London NHS Trust have created
a Wellbeing Programme at the MINDSPORTS Centre.

Dementia Academy
10:00am – 1:15pm
‘ Understanding Dementia’ Training by WLT NHS
Mon 21 Oct, 10:30am – 12:30pm
Thu 14 Nov, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (online)
Dance for Dementia (10 weeks)
10:30am – 11:30am
Drop-In Dementia Information Sessions
11:00am – 1:15pm
Monthly Admiral Nurse Appointments
11:00am – 2:30pm
Poetry Reading and Coffee (Tea)
Mon 16 Sept, then first and last Monday of the
month, 11:30am – 12:30pm
Your Physical Wellbeing Course by WLT NHS
Mon 23 Sept for 4 weeks, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Good Life Course
Mon 21 Oct for 8 weeks, 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Pilates & Breathing
11:00am – 12:00pm
Singing with the English National Opera & WLT NHS
Wed 2 Oct for 5 weeks, 11:00am – 1:00pm
‘Creativity and Making Art’ Sessions
Wed 18 Sept for 14 weeks, 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Wed 18 Sept for 10 weeks, 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Memory Strategies for ALL WLT NHS
Wed 2 Oct, 2:00pm – 4:00pm

All sessions are FREE, fully inclusive and dementia-friendly
Café is open for drinks and light snacks throughout the day
Term ends 11th December 2024

Call: 07775 784 520 Email: info


FLU Campaign 2024/ 2025

Dear Patient,

Your FREE FLU VACCINE will be available for you at the practice from Thursday 3rd October.

If you are in one of these categories you are entitled to FREE FLU Vaccine:

  • aged 65y and over
  • aged 18y to 64y in a clinical risk group (defined by the Green Book).
  • pregnant
  • patient in long-stay residential care homes
  • carer in receipt of carer’s allowance, or you are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person
  • close contact of immunocompromised individuals
  • frontline worker – those in a social care setting without an employer led occupational health scheme

Also entitled:

  • all children aged 2y or 3y on 31 August 2024
  • primary and secondary school children (reception to year 11)
  • aged 6m to 17y in a clinical risk group


Please give us a call on 02087435153 to book appointment with NURSE or HCA to get the FLU jab.

If you don’t want one, or have already received it elsewhere please let us know.

Shepherds Bush Medical Centre





NHS launches catch up campaign for missed MMR vaccines

Millions of parents and carers in England are being urged to book their children in for their missed measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine as part of a major new NHS drive to protect children from becoming seriously unwell, as measles cases continue to rise across the country.

The NHS campaign will see all parents of children aged from six to 11 years contacted encouraging them to make an appointment with their child’s GP practice for their missed MMR vaccine.

NHS figures show more than 3.4 million children under the age of 16 years are unprotected and at risk of catching these serious and completely preventable diseases.

Thanks to NHS efforts last winter, the number of MMR vaccinations increased by 10% compared to the previous year with two million, texts, email and letters sent to parents between September 2022 and February 2023.

The NHS campaign will target areas with low uptake of the vaccine with the health service contacting just over one million people aged 11 to 25 years-old in London and the West Midlands to invite them to catch up on their missed MMR vaccinations.

Steve Russell, NHS Director of Vaccinations and Screening, said: “The NHS is acting quickly to tackle the spread of measles by contacting one million people aged between 11 and 25 across London and the Midlands to urge them to get their vaccine.

“People who are unvaccinated can get catch-up jabs at MMR pop-ups in schools and other convenient places while GPs, teachers and trusted community leaders are encouraging groups that are less likely to get their jab to come forward.

“All this builds on the national MMR catch-up campaign the NHS rolled out at the beginning of winter, with text, email and letter reminders sent out to parents and guardians of children up to five who have yet to get full protection.

“Measles is a serious illness, with one in five children who get the disease having to be admitted to hospital for treatment, so if you or your child have not had your MMR jab, it is vital you come forward”.

Measles is not just a childhood disease and can be serious at any age. If caught during pregnancy it can be very serious causing stillbirth, miscarriage and low birth weight and NHS bosses are urging young adults to catch up on any missed doses before thinking about starting a family.

Two doses of the safe and effective MMR vaccine are needed for maximum life-long protection, with the first dose given around the child’s first birthday, and the second dose given at around three years and four months old.

However, anyone can catch up at any age on any missed doses and it’s never too late to protect yourself. The vaccine doses are typically given via a single injection into the muscle of the thigh or upper arm and are usually delivered with their other one year and preschool vaccinations.

The NHS campaign is being supported by Samantha Murray-James from Cheshire, mum of 16 months old Lucca.

Samantha said: “I’d heard stories from my grandmother about measles and how she nursed her children in a darkened room to stop them going blind with it in the 1950s, but didn’t think it was still a problem now. When I heard that measles was making a come back in the news I was worried about my son, Lucca who was just a few months old. As soon as my GP invited me around his first birthday I booked him an appointment to get his first MMR vaccine. The nurse reassured us both and it has put my mind at rest to know he is now protected”.

Measles, mumps and rubella are highly infectious illnesses that can easily spread between unvaccinated people.

Complications from measles, mumps and rubella can be potentially life changing including blindness, deafness and swelling of the brain (encephalitis).

Analysis shows one infected child in a classroom can infect up to nine other unvaccinated children, making it one of the most infectious diseases worldwide; and more infectious than COVID-19. Meanwhile, one in five children with measles, will need to be admitted to hospital for treatment.

Dr Gayatri Amirthalingam, UK Health Security Agency Consultant Medical Epidemiologist said: “The continuing downward trend in the uptake of routine childhood vaccinations is a serious concern. The diseases that these vaccines protect against, such as measles, can be life-changing and even deadly. No parent wants this for their child especially when these diseases are easily preventable.

“We now have a very real risk of measles outbreaks across the country. Please don’t put this off, check now that your children are fully up to date with both their MMR jabs and all their routine vaccines, and do take up the offer as soon as possible if you are contacted by your GP practice or the NHS for your child to catch up”.

Data shows the MMR vaccine is safe and very effective. After two doses:

  • around 99% of people will be protected against measles and rubella
  • around 88% of people will be protected against mumps

This latest campaign follows on from an NHS polio and MMR catch-up campaign, which targeted un-or-partially-vaccinated children aged one  to 11 years in London, rolled out at the end of March through GP practices, primary schools and community vaccination clinics.

Health Minister Maria Caulfield said: “Measles is a serious but entirely preventable disease.

“The MMR vaccine is proven to be safe for youngsters and offers lifelong protection.

“I’m urging everyone whose child is not yet fully vaccinated to come forward and get them protected as soon as possible”.

Parents and carers can find out more about the different vaccines their child should have and when by visiting and searching for ‘NHS vaccinations and when to have them’.

Measles – NHS (

NHS England — London » More than 32,000 children across London at risk of catching measles as new school term gets underway




Local wellbeing activities for improving health

Join our fully inclusive and dementia friendly walking
group and singing sessions, every Thursday from 11am.

Singing Group
Starts Thursday 18th January
Ravenscourt Park Glasshouses,
London, W6 0UL
11am – 12.30pm

Walking Group
Starts Thursday 25th January
Meet at Loftus Road Stadium, W12 7PJ
11am – 12.30pm
Ends with a social session and refreshments at
Elgin Close Resource Centre, Goldhawk Road

Activities will alternate each week. Please be sure to wear appropriate
clothing and to bring drinking water. Walkers go at their own pace.
Part of the Active Minds wellbeing programme for 18+

To register your interest please contact Sinead Friel
Email: Tel: 07807 788511


Activities posters

Hammersmith & Fulham Patient Reference Group

We warmly welcome you to our
patient reference group meetings.
Come along and tell us about
your health and care experiences
and work with us to improve and
co-design local services.

The group meets every two months on a
Thursday, we vary the meeting times to give
everyone a chance to attend.
Do let us know if you are coming and if you
have any support needs. If there is a change to
the advertised dates our website will have the
latest information. Find our contact details on
the back page.

Dates for 2024:
2.00-4.00pm, 25th January
2.00-4.00pm, 21st March
10.00-12.00noon, 23rd May
10.00-12.00noon, 25th July
10.00-12.00noon, 26th September
2.00-4.00pm, 21st November

All meetings are held at the Irish Cultural Centre, 5 Black’s Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 9DT.

Do arrive 15 minutes prior to the
meeting starting for tea/coffee and to meet
other members.

PRG 2024 leaflet

Making Changes in 2024

Support we offer (

There is a range of support available for people who want to make changes to their drinking.

Some support will be more helpful than others depending on what your goal is and your individual preferences.

Online Support

There are lots of different websites which offer you information, advice and support.

  • Being Well 24/7 Hub – where you can register for a module to help you understand more about your drinking.
  • Drinkaware(opens in a new tab) – this website provides lots of useful information about alcohol, including advice on how to cut down.
  • NHS(opens in a new tab) – the NHS provide drink and alcohol information on their website. Here you can find out more about the health risks of drinking, and  stories from people who have cut down.

Support in Person

There are a number of ways you can get support in person to help you make a change to your drinking.

  • GP – if you are worried about your drinking then a good place to start is with your GP.  They will be able to give you advice and offer you support.
  • Turning Point(opens in a new tab) offer face-to-face services for people wanting to stop or reduce their drinking. Visit their website to find a service near you:
  • Alcoholics Anonymous(opens in a new tab) – many people have heard of  AA. AA is a fellowship of people who identify as alcoholics. AA members  support each other to become sober. AA is both free and anonymous.